Episode 110, Live at the Hungry Brain with Michael Gebert, Ryan Budds and Katie Jo Knaub

Let's see how food tastings sound! They sounds odd!

Food writer and the man behind Sky Full of Bacon stops by and feeds everyone fat. Literally fat. And it wasn't horrible.

Ryan Budds makes people laugh.

Katie Jo Knaub makes people enjoy music.

Esmeralda and I don't make people do anything. We believe in free will. At least I do. I shouldn't speak for her.

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View photos by Kevin McGuire here.

Here's the link to Sky Full of Bacon. Every time I go there I get hungry.

Host, producer, whatever: Brandon Wetherbee, Co-host: Esmeralda Leon, Piano player: Jeremy Tromburg, Fan Club President: Kevin McGuire, Fan Club Member: Alexis Storch