11/15/11, Short Foo Fighters Review, Technology at #occupy on 11/15, 11/14/11 8×8

11/15/11, Short Foo Fighters Review, Technology at #occupy on 11/15, 11/14/11 8x8

A short Foo Fighters review and a long intro about my excitement for next week's holiday show.

Nathan Jurgenson explains the role technology played in last night's police raid on #occupywallstreet and the four lessons that will be learned from the debacle. Read his articles on Cyborgology.

The 11/14/11 DC edition of 8x8 was excellent. The show has been edited to 1/3 of the original length, enough time to highlight each performer. Follow them on Twitter.

Sarah Donnelly
Sandra Beasley
Sampson McCormick
Adam Friedland
Peter Heyneman
Erin Ryan
S.M. Shrake
Jessica Brodkin
Jonny Grave