“Holiday-ish 2”

Now available for download.

1. Chuck Na - One Line At A Time
2. Ian Walters - Christmas Medley
3. Jenn Tisdale - The Youngest Racist In Crofton
4. Michael Foody - In A Bag
5. Ian Walters - Blue Christmas
6. Tyler Richardson - Gas Fireplace
7. Sara Armour - Cheryl Wears Jeggings
8. Sean Joyce - Now You're At Thanksgiving
9. Margaret Wasaff - That Was The Worst Christmas Ever
10. Haywood Turnipseed Jr - As A Stay-At-Home Dad
11. Mariya Alexander - The Jewishist Thing We Could Do
12. Jonny Grave - Go Tell It On The Mountain
13. Ryan Schutt - Advice From My Uncle And His Friends
14. Linsay Deming - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
15. Andrew Bucket - Food Network
16. Chelsea Shorte - I Made The Puppy Have Kitties
17. Ian Walters - The Chipmunk Song
18. Will Hessler - Christmas Begins At Target 8:30 Halloween Night
19. Emily Ruskowski - I Didn't Get Laid Off From Second Grade
20. MK Paulsen - From Our Glass House To Yours
21. Patrick Hawkins - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
22. Sampson McCormick - Holidays With Aunt Jackie
23. Jennifer Tress - Sex And The City Christmas
24. Dave Klinger - Snow And The Streetlights
25. SM Shrake - Y2K Is A Holiday
26. Ruth Rasby - I'm A Bonobo
27. Jonny Grave - Hark The Herald Angels Sing
28. David Carter - Let's Go Through The Holidays
29. Jessica Brodkin - Who Wants Candy?
30. Randy Syphax - Grinch Peel
31. Linsay Deming - Happy Birthday
32. Matty Litwack - That's Not How Tattoos Work
33. Jonny Grave - The Gower Wassail
34. Christian Hunt - The Dirty Night Before Christmas
35. Kasaun Wilson - Hallelujah Parties
36. Jonny Grave - Occom's Carol (O Sight of Anguish)
37. Diane Ivey - You Got A D
38. Ian Walters - Christmas Time Is Here
39. Adam Friedland - Adam Friedland Sings The Christmas Classics
40. Jamel Johnson - A Christmas Revue